Banana-Powered Narwhals, Telepathic Pineapples and the Art Career I Forgot I Had

I totally can not remember that I ever painted or drew before the age of 5. Not even alien biting vehicles or maybe UFO’s and things that had to look like human creatures with six arms or toaster-sized potatoes.
Do you?
Did I even make art or did I just smear spaghetti on the walls and called it expressionism?
Someone get me the psychic medium who can bring back my artistic past please.
Oh wait; I ám a psychic medium.
Either way, my brain has zero recollection and no clue where I must have been with my banana-powered narwhal consciousness.
Was I out there making moon cheese sandwiches for martians or attempting to communicate with telepathic pineapples.
Someone bring back my toddler memories!